Summer trip …the third day 2

イメージ 1


I came back to the main island and next I went to the Okinawa Cyuraumi aquarium.Do you know this aquarium? There is the biggest water tank in the world, that is contained in the Guinness Book of World Records! Furthermore, there are several seven-meter jinbei sharks in it! I was surprised there many times. I was excited to see many kinds of fish that I’ve never seen.

This picture is the memorial medal which I made in this aquarium.


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6 comments so far

匿名Posted on 11:30 pm - 9月 18, 2006

Yes, I know that! But The aquarium was not there When I went to Okinawa.

bcc*u*Posted on 6:25 am - 9月 19, 2006

I know that,too. I went to there about 1 year ago.I thought it was really fantastic !!!

por*or*5Posted on 2:47 pm - 9月 19, 2006

carineさん Really? When you go to Okinawa, I recommend you that you go the aquarium!

por*or*5Posted on 2:52 pm - 9月 19, 2006

べにさん So did I! First of all, you were surprised at how big the water tank was, weren’t you?

mecuapokePosted on 4:38 pm - 9月 19, 2006


por*or*5Posted on 10:47 pm - 9月 19, 2006


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