11/23 diary

イメージ 1

I went to the school festival in my university.

Many food shops are hold there, so I bought and enjoyed eating various kinds of food!

Especially something like ソーセージ was delicious!

By the way, do you know who he is in this picture?

He is Nakamura Syunsuke, a member of Celtic.

Yesterday Celtic had a game against an England team Manchester United in Chanpions League.

In this game, Syunsuke got a wonderful and important goal!

This goal decided the win of Celtic and to clear the Group league.





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4 comments so far

匿名Posted on 3:04 pm - 11月 24, 2006

I watched the match! It was really great and Syunsuke’s FK was amazing.Besides,it was incredible that Celtic beat Manchester United.カッコイイですね〜。セルティックが勝つなんて想像にもつきませんでしたもん。

匿名Posted on 8:57 pm - 11月 24, 2006


por*or*5Posted on 9:14 pm - 11月 24, 2006

シンさん ホントそう思います。セルティックはそんなにたくさん有名選手がいるわけじゃないのに強いですよね。ファンになりそうです!

por*or*5Posted on 9:15 pm - 11月 24, 2006

hibiさん こんな舞台に立てたら最高です。でも、私ではありません。期待を持たせてすいません。笑

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