Deep Impact -Last flight-

At last, today has come!

Arima Kinen is held at Nakayama Keibajyou.

Most of the horses which run on this race are elected by people voting.
Every year many famous and strong thouroughbreds race.

Especially this year, I think a lot of people will pay attention to this race.

This is because Deep Impact runs!

In addition, it is for the last time that he runs.

He is strong but he is defeated at this race last year.

It seems that he keeps his health better than last year.

I think he will revenge and win the first prize! 
Please cheer him up together!


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4 comments so far

poy*yac*a*haPosted on 10:51 pm - 12月 26, 2006


por*or*5Posted on 11:08 pm - 12月 26, 2006

も。さん 飛びました!畏敬の念ですかー、そうかもしれませんね。笑 本当に圧倒的でした。何度もレースを見ちゃってます。

キューティPosted on 11:39 pm - 12月 26, 2006

Hello, porpor-san! I was deeply impressed to see his last runs. It was fascinating, wasn’t it? Many horse racing fans as well as people who doesn’t know horse racing well saw the race, and all of them was moved! I hope he will spend the rest of his life in peace.

por*or*5Posted on 10:49 pm - 12月 28, 2006

キューティーさん Hello! I was really excited and impresed with his race! I want to say to him, ‘Thanks a lot!’ He always moved me. I’m so glad to meet him!

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