10/9 diary

I cooked curry rice by myself for the first time! Seeing the recipe which my girlfriend wrote, I made it hard. It was tough to peel one carrot and two onions with knife. I made too much, but it was delicious!


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11 comments so far

Zhao haruPosted on 2:59 pm - 10月 10, 2006

You have a kind girlfriend, don’t you? I guess you really enjoyed cooking and eating curry!

por*or*5Posted on 3:41 pm - 10月 10, 2006

zhaoさん Yes, that’s right! It was really fun to cook by myself!

kayopihimePosted on 10:48 pm - 10月 10, 2006

Oh, nice and your girlfriend is very kindness. i envy you. Well, what will you make next time?

mecuapokePosted on 11:30 pm - 10月 10, 2006


por*or*5Posted on 12:13 am - 10月 11, 2006

kayopihimeさん mmm…I don’t still decide. Recently I often have bought コンビニ弁当.

por*or*5Posted on 12:15 am - 10月 11, 2006

ぽけママさん 残念ながら食べることができなかったんです。また作る予定です。たまねぎはちょっと多かったです。でも、気になりませんでしたよ。そうそう、ピーラーは買わなきゃですね。

sarterPosted on 11:21 pm - 10月 11, 2006

kayopiさん、your girlfriend is kind.が正しい英語ですよ。

mog**anmPosted on 9:09 pm - 10月 12, 2006

Cooking is the number of times!! If you cooking many times, your cooking will be good!!

por*or*5Posted on 12:23 am - 10月 13, 2006

もぐたんさん That’t right! I’ll practice more, so I’d like to be a good cook!

pal*y*wals*12*4Posted on 5:15 am - 10月 15, 2006

I like eating better that cooking…aha.I bed you did good job on the first time. =)

por*or*5Posted on 10:16 pm - 10月 15, 2006

palsyさん So do I! It was difficult, but really fun.

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