11/21 diary

イメージ 1

 From this day, all the classes are seven-day holidays in the university that I belong to.

This is because the school festival starts from 11/22.

I had no アルバイト on this day,so…

I went to…Tokyo Disney SEA!!!

It was the first time to go there.

I’m poor at getting up early and I stayed sleepy in the morning…

but when I rode CENTER of the EARTH, I woke up!

I’m weak on a kind of ジェットコースター, so I…フラフラでした。

I rode several rides because I went from the morning.

Especially, I was impressed with Mermaid Lagoon Theater.

This is something like a musical. I watched a musical for the first time, and it was fun.

I had a lot of fun but it was very cold, so I caught a cold…..


フリー編集者。校正や内容検討も行っています。 語学書→小中英語→ビジネス→語学書担当。 専門学校や大学で TOEIC の講師の担当をしています。 大学で言語学を専攻。本/言葉を愛してます。 留学なしでTOEIC990獲得。現在は、TOEIC SWで満点獲得が目標。

2 comments so far

mecuapokePosted on 11:28 pm - 11月 23, 2006

Lucky you! Who did you go with?

por*or*5Posted on 11:52 pm - 11月 23, 2006

ぽけママさん As always…with my girlfriend!

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