8/17 diary

What I often think about is ‘connection’. What connection? For example, the connection with my family, my friends, my coleagues and so on. Different people have different connections. These are important, don’t you think? Recently I really feel they are. I wok at a juku and I communicate with many students there. It is key to taik much with them and make trust relationships. This thing applies to other people, including family, friends etc. I’d like to have strong connections with many people.




フリー編集者。校正や内容検討も行っています。 語学書→小中英語→ビジネス→語学書担当。 専門学校や大学で TOEIC の講師の担当をしています。 大学で言語学を専攻。本/言葉を愛してます。 留学なしでTOEIC990獲得。現在は、TOEIC SWで満点獲得が目標。

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